Sunday, August 23, 2009

what we learnt recently....!?

what I've learn so far. .? ?urm,,of course,,about grammar..simple past tense and simple continuous tense.
firstly,simple past tense is about something that happen in the past.. to show that an activity,action and situation started and ended at a specific time in the past.
Example,hunny and rahma did played tennis this morning. .

after did /does i must use in base form..this is how I understands.secondly,,about simple continuous tense is be verb + base form verb + ing. .it's also to show that an action was going on or was carried out..
Example:aidil was playing football yesterday.

and also,,i have learnt topic sentence,supporting details and thesis statement..that the easy way to make a good essay..but,,i can't make it a good essay at all..i really suck when I'm doing an essay..i will continue repeat what i have can see from my essay..really bad huh..

Thanks to you because you make me understands in grammar little by little..hope you will not boring teachings us. .especially me..HAHA..that all..

1 comment:

  1. Example,hunny and rahma did played tennis this morning. .<<--excellent!!
    good to know that you can apply what you have learned in class..yippee yooo!!
